taxi from Tehran train station to central Tehran = $3 taxi from centre of Tehran to International airport = $12.50
VIP bus from Rasht to Tabriz (11 hours) = $10.50 VIP bus from Tehran to Rasht (6 hours) = $7 90 minute taxi ride from Matsuleh to Rasht = $12 130km round trip taxi trip from Tabriz to Kandovan and 2 hour wait = $13 first class train trip from Tabriz to Tehran = $8 We have had a few requests for prices of things in Iran so below are some of the costs of items and travel that we can remember in Iran as of April 2013 Įxchange rate: Australian $1 = Iranian Rial 37,500 (not 13,500 as most online exchanges quote) This shop had hundreds and hundreds of fresh and packed tea. I suppose Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan and to a degree Arminia are not that far away so they have had an obvious influence in this region. The facial features are more prominent (huge proboscis's) and they are considerably taller. The people look a lot different here than areas to the south. However, Narelle always seems to find/smell the gold section.
The place is jam packed full of goods from carpets to toilet paper. Although not the major 'wow' factor we were expecting the long alleys and arched brick ceilings were a real delight to see. Tebritz has two things that we want to see and this morning we set out to see the first the World Heritage building where the bazaar is located. Only minor issue was we had to make our own beds as the cleaners had not started yet. The first hotel we knocked on was completely booked but two people had just left so again we got lucky. My seat was slippery and every 5 minutes or so i ended up having to sit up.Īt 5am, raining, cold and with no hotel reservation we set out looking for a bed. This blog is two days old and is out of order.this is the arrival day in Tabriz.Īfter a painful overnight bus journey we arrived in Tebritz.
Would I come back to Iran? Absolutely, the first opportunity we get we will be back in this land of endless smiles, handshakes and hellos!. I have had more mormons at my front door try convert me in the last six months. Travelling in Iran as an devout atheist? No issues at all and the people, although intrigued as to my religious beliefs or lack there of, don't try to convert you. They are very hospitable people and if you are holding a map expect someone to immediately help you. They loved seeing photos of our family, friends, country and home town. Do Iranians treat westerners with suspicion? Absolutely not! They are very open, friendly and highly educated people who are naturally intrigued by the world outside of Iran. Our bags were searched once and the very kind policeman then apologised and proceeded to say have a wonderful trip in Iran. Do the police bother westerners? Absolutely not, unless you are doing the wrong thing. I got the feeling that most Iranians actual see war as a way to break the supreme leader's shackles on the population. Will there be a war? The people hope not but as many people have said to us this is totally in the hands of one person. Quoting an Iranian: "put an arrow in the hands of a crazy man and he has the ability to do crazy things, put the same arrow in he hands of a sane man and he will use the arrows material for good". Do all Iranians detest the west for the imposed sanctions on the nuclear debate? Absolutely not.!!!! In fact every single Iranian whom we had this conversation with totally agrees with the sanctions imposed by the international community. Dare I say it but they are actually more fashionable than the majority of Australians. Do all women wear black chadors with a tiny hole to see through? Hell no.these are govt imposed restrictions on tight clothing and head scarfs but other than that Iranians are extremely fashionable people. Are all Muslims bad? Are all Christians or Catholics bad.! Yes there are bad apples everywhere but the vast majority of people are just normal people who want to freely practise their religion while detesting violence and war. From south to north and east to west we have met nothing but normal peace loving people who want a good life for their family and friends. Are Iranians all violent or terrorists? Totally US, Israel and UK (CNN and BBC) driven propaganda. Like anywhere in the world one should follow the rule of never put oneself in situations they can't immediately back out of. We have consistently felt safer here in Iran than what we have at times in our own city of Canberra. Narelle and I have travelled near and far and it's rather uncanny that the two most sanctioned places in the world (Iran and North Korea) are the two countries where we have felt the safest and most welcomed. Is Iran safe to travel in? It certainly is and we did not have any issues what so ever. Lastly as a fittingly end this blog we would like to clear up a few western ideologies about Iranians and our travels in Iran: